Eric Premack
Founding Director, Charter Schools Development Center
Eric Premack is the Executive Director and Founder of the Charter Schools Development Center in Sacramento, California.
For over 25 years, Eric has played a leading role in the development and spread of charter schools, including helping to draft and implement charter schools policy in over two dozen states, at the federal level, and overseas. He has developed groundbreaking charter school policy, planning, implementation, oversight, and leadership development practices that have been emulated throughout the US and internationally.
Eric was a Co-founder of the Charter Friends National Network, and a founding board member of the California Network of Educational Charters (CANEC). He has twice received the Hart Vision Award for outstanding service to California’s charter schools and the California Charter Schools Association’s Legacy Award for 20 years of outstanding service to California charter schools. Prior to founding CSDC, Eric provided consulting services for dozens of California school districts at School Services of California, Inc. and previously worked in California’s non-partisan Office of the Legislative Analyst where he advised the legislature on major K-12 education fiscal policy matters. Eric holds a BA and MA in Public Policy from the University of Chicago.